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Care, precision & craft

Michelle Dommisse on the MGB GT: "I think that they are an icon for what good property law should look like: a combination of care, precision and craft...”


Empowering Clients

We add value to each of our clients and reduce the stress in each transaction. We do so by finding out at the start of our process what their concerns and ambitions are.


Seeking Maximum Satisfaction of Everyone Involved

Conveyancing, drafting of wills and winding up of estates, drafting of antenuptial contracts and more.


Notarizing of Documents

Including notarial bonds & other notarial services, trusts, mediation & more...


We are a Cape Town based property law firm offering conveyancing, notarial services, mediation, drafting of wills and winding up of estates.

Our firm provides a personalised property law service that will protect your property during every stage of your life.

When you sell your property, we provide a conveyancing service that is precise and efficient. We proactively communicate with everyone involved throughout the process.

When you get married, we draft your antenuptial contract in a way that protects your property and honours your future plans.

If you are in a family or commercial dispute, we mediate for a mutually beneficially outcome in a manner that is cost effective.

When you plan for your family’s long term future, we draft wills and accept appointment as Executors to wind up estates in a way that protects your property and provides care and clear communication to your loved ones.

Who We Are
We believe strongly in empowering people by imparting an understanding of the law. Read more
What We Do
Conveyancing (transfer of property), Antenuptial Contracts, Wills, Winding up Estates, Mediation. Read more
Why Choose Us
Our service is personal, precise and efficient. We communicate regularly to escort our clients through each process in a stressfree way. Read more
view our conveyancing cost calculator


Drafting of wills and winding up of estates

Drafting of antenuptual contracts

Notarial bonds & other notarial services

Notarizing of documents


General Powers of Attorney & Special Powers of Attorney




Agreements of Sale
